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Sociologist knows why Gen Zs are ’emotionally immature’


Sociologist knows why Gen Zs are ’emotionally immature’

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The term “snowflake generation” has garnered attention, depicting Generation Z as individuals marked by hypersensitivity and anxiety, often perceived as demanding and ill-prepared for life’s challenges.

Born between 1995 and 2012, Generation Z is characterized by education, global exposure, and a belief in their entitlement to life’s best offerings. Yet, underlying this confidence lies a pervasive sense of fear.

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Psychologists attribute this emotional fragility to a childhood upbringing akin to being raised in a protective bubble, where adversity was shielded and choices were abundant. This “fear of choice,” as sociologist Katarzyna Krzywicka-Zdunek describes it, has left them grappling with decision-making and accountability.

Emotionally neglected, Generation Z tends towards individualism, prioritizing personal needs over commitments. The absence of struggle in their upbringing fosters a lack of resilience, making them susceptible to crumbling under even minor setbacks.

Researchers attribute this trend to a parenting style focused on “keeping it under wraps,” characterized by shielding children from challenges, incessant praise, and aversion to criticism. Consequently, Gen Z perceives conflicts as monumental hurdles, exacerbating their struggles with real-world complexities.

While boasting impressive educational backgrounds and diverse skill sets, Generation Z often feels isolated, having grown accustomed to pursuing excellence in solitude. Their upbringing, dominated by extracurricular activities and academic pursuits, left little room for emotional connection or self-discovery.

The absence of parental presence in pivotal moments has contributed to a deep-seated fear of failure, rooted in the belief that inadequacy equates to losing familial respect. Consequently, emotional immaturity permeates their interactions and decision-making processes.

As we navigate the landscape of the next generation, there’s a growing awareness of the need to provide emotional support and be actively present as parents. Learning from the shortcomings of previous generations, there’s a concerted effort to prioritize emotional well-being and foster resilience in Generation Z.

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