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The Story of Shina Rambo


The Story of Shina Rambo

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Shina Rambo was born in 1963 to the family of a military man. He was a native of Abeokuta in Ogun state South West Nigeria. His mother is from Sabongida ora in Edo State, South South Nigeria.

Shina Rambo was indoctrinated into cr!minal acts by his father at the age of 7 years through the acts of crim!nality by his father, Shina’s father was a bad example of a military man.

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Rambo fortified himself with some spiritual power which made him very powerful that nobody can dare him.

Shina terr0rized Southwest Nigeria and the near by Countries like Benin republic in the 1990s. He was an expert in high way r0bbery, bank r0bbery, car snatching among others.

He was a dangerous man feared by the police in both Nigeria and Benin republic. He was latter arrested, prosecuted and jailed for 11 years.

When he was in prison in Agodi prison Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, Prophet T O Obadare came and preached to him and he was converted to a born again Christian. His name was changed to Oluwanifemi Mathew.

Shina Rambo was latter granted freedom by the Olusegun Obasanjo Administration. He is now an evangelist.

Shina is now called Evangelist Oluwanifemi Mathew.

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