Subsequent to our previous post on 50 Animals in Ebira Language and Their English Translation, we bring to you again some of the simple & common words in Ebira language and their English translation.
At Ebira Online Media, we build and create Ebira ideas; to help people who are not familiar with some of the pronunciations in Ebira language, and also those abroad who would love to learn their language(Ebira).
You might also like my article on The True Fact About Okene People, Who Are The Indigene’s Of Okene? (Ano’Okene)
We also put in much effort in educating and encouraging the young ones not to forget their home/Language, the history and culture of Ebira land.
Do you know that some people grew up in Ebira Land (indigene) and yet, they can’t speak the language correctly? I no you are surprised to hear that but it’s the bitter truth.
See Also: 17 Basic greetings in Ebira Language and their English meaning.
There are tons of Ebira blood out there who can’t even boost of speaking their dialect correctly and accurately. Anyway, let’s get down to the main purpose of this article, keep following.
Listed below are some 75 Simple & Common Words in Ebira Language and Their English Translation
Simple Words in Ebira Language | English Translation |
1. Iraje, Ayi’ohine. | Joy |
2. Ayohine | Happy |
3. Irahu | Night |
4. Irepa | Snail |
5. aga | Chair |
6. oyì-dòwu | Believe |
7. ara | Sleep |
8. èngwòzì | Sick |
9. bere | Also |
10. úmè | Time |
11. angwe, angwe ovivi, ororo | Oil, Red oil, Groundnut oil |
12. àwè | Fasting |
13. Eku’oiza | Heaven |
14. àngwàhì | Fear |
15. ùdìvì | Wicked |
16. Irenyi, ojenwunye | Different |
17. vìdìvè | Before |
18. iresu okatengwu, oyi rure | Stubborn |
19. àrìjànà | Heaven |
20. Ézéé | Dance |
21. Òshàyìtù | Interest |
22. oojiri/oge | Correct |
23. kusa’inare | Harvest |
24. Oporima/ireche | Lie |
25. anakanyi mi(or eyi) | Concern |
26. òyìvòrò | Straight |
27. òvàvìrèma | After |
28. èhè | Earth |
29. ènìni | Them |
30. àhè | Song |
31. irehi | House |
32. ùkù | Disease |
33. oóhu | Market |
34. uvene | Mat |
35. òkàtengwu | Hard |
36. àjè | Egg |
37. oóhi | Broom |
38. otova | Tobacco |
39. ira | Light |
40. Izeyiza | Truth |
41. adokita | Doctor |
42. Ewu, plural: Ewunini | You |
43. ishivi | Spoon |
44. uye | Meat |
45. ako | Cup |
46. èhùrèhì | Surprise |
47. echuku | Bone |
48. ùvèchì | Strong |
49. Ekehi | Money |
50. ìsàjú | Minute |
51. ààmaá | But |
52. èngwòrò | Peace |
53. Eyyi | We/Us |
54. Esse | Those |
55. Eku’ira | Hell |
56. Oyishenwu dor | Patient |
57. Aguvika, Aguvavo, uvavo | Because |
58. Esse, Esseni, Eneni | These |
59. Amekwo ana, or Amekwo ehhu | While |
60. Ònooni/Osooni | This |
61. òònò | That |
62. Hèyìyè | No |
63. Izeni/Izenani | Here |
64. Izoso/Izoo | There |
65. ìzòvi | Where |
66. Oniri | And |
67. Sonovi/sovi? | What |
68. èvàbè | Unity |
69. ìhìovì | When |
70. ònìnì | Holy |
71. òyìkòsè | Learn |
72. àrìrò | Thinking |
73. ugama | Praise |
74. èdòwù | Faith |
75. Ukoro-ochengwu. | Labour |
Let me also shock you reading this post right now, I can tell you for free that you can’t make a complete sentence in Ebira dialect without mixing it up; if not, prove me wrong by making a correct sentence with the listed above words in Ebira language without making a mistake. Ooppps! I got you right? Lolx….
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