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Importance of High-Water Content Fruits, Vegetables to a Sickle Cell Patients


Importance of High-Water Content Fruits, Vegetables to a Sickle Cell Patients

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Sickle Cell Patients – Anyone living with sickle cell would have been repeatedly told to make sure that they drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is extremely important for your health.

In fact, not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause sickle cell crisis, fatigue, headaches, skin problems, muscle cramps, low blood pressure and a rapid heart rate. What’s more, prolonged dehydration can lead to serious complications such as organ failure.

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Experts generally recommend drinking several glasses of water per day to meet your hydration needs. Water makes up about 60 per cent of a human’s body weight. For the body to function as it should we need to drink a lot of water daily because most of our organs depend on water flowing through one’s system.

Drinking liquid is good but also there are fruits and vegetables that can also help us in this area. Eating these fruits and vegetables can help us with the daily amount of liquid that we are supposed to take, and they will keep us hydrated.

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Importance of High-Water Content Fruits, Vegetables to a Sickle Cell Patients

More importantly, if you don’t drink the recommended amount of water in a day, fruits and vegetables can provide you with supplemental fluid, keeping you nourished and healthy. Water-rich fruits and vegetables are popular choices for juicing, smoothies, and snacking. Some of these fruits might be available in your country and some might not. Don’t worry about unavailable ones, eat the ones that are available to you.

The fruits with a high-water content are apricots, grapefruits, pears, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, peaches, pineapples, plums, papaya, nectarines, apples, mangoes, coconut water, raspberries cantaloupe and watermelon. All these fruits have some of the highest water content, at more than 90 per cent.

It is always best to eat fresh fruits instead of drinking fruit juices. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fibre, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins. If you want to drink fruit juices, make sure you drink fresh fruit juices.

Importance of High-Water Content Fruits, Vegetables to a Sickle Cell Patients

The vegetables with a high-water content are celery, broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, Zucchini, plain yoghurt, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, cottage cheese, radishes, watercress, asparagus, okra, spinach, kale, leafy greens, and carrots.

Soups are water-based and have the potential to be hydrating and nutritious. They give your immune system a boost. Soups can help you stave off cold and flu, and they are a great antidote for times when you are sick, too. Most soups are loaded with disease-fighting nutrients.

In fact, studies show that chicken soup can help prevent the common cold, especially if you load it up with fresh garlic, onions, celery and carrots. Unless you go for a soup laden with heavy cream, most recipes include fibrous vegetables, beans, lentils and meats that all ensure healthy digestion. Eating a fibre-rich diet aids in smooth digestion and also increases insulin sensitivity.

Skimmed milk is nutritious. It’s made up of mostly water and provides a considerable number of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus and potassium.

Importance of High-Water Content Fruits, Vegetables to a Sickle Cell Patients

Other than keeping one hydrated, water also lubricates and cushions your joints, protects your spinal cord, blocks the development of kidney stones, helps keep you regular by ushering waste through your intestines, reduces the severity of headaches, can fill you up before meals and aid in weight loss and can blunt skin disorders and the formation of wrinkles.

Water is the most healthful beverage, as the body can easily use it, and it contains no additives, calories, sugar, or other ingredients. However, some people do not like the taste of plain water or simply want more variety. People can stay hydrated by adding fruits, vegetables, and herbs to water, which will add flavour without adding calories or sugars.

Some options to add include watermelon, cucumber, mint leaves, strawberries, lemon, lime and pineapple. Try crushing these foods before mixing them in to bring out their natural juices and flavors or let them soak in a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for several hours.

Importance of High-Water Content Fruits, Vegetables to a Sickle Cell Patients

Many herbal teas are good alternatives to water. Look for varieties without added sugar or sweeteners. People who enjoy green or black teas may wish to sip on decaffeinated varieties to stay hydrated.

For people who often drink soda, switching to sparkling water with lemon or lime can drastically reduce their daily sugar intake. No matter how you divide it up – how much water you drink and how many water-rich fruits and vegetables you eat each day – water supports your body by fortifying the body’s 11 organ systems, from the cardiovascular and digestive systems to the skeletal and urinary systems.

Staying hydrated is extremely important for your overall health. While drinking water is important, you can consume a significant amount of water by including a variety of water-rich fruits, vegetables, and dairy products in your diet. Therefore, most people don’t necessarily have to drink a lot of water.

As long as you’re eating plenty of water-rich foods and drinking water when you feel thirsty, you won’t have a problem staying hydrated. Plain water is the best choice because it is free of sugars, sweeteners, and other additives.

Do you have a sickle cell patient or are you a sickle cell? Share your experience and journey with us in the comment section below.

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