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‘I Never Knew She Was Pregnant’ Father of The Baby Dumped by It’s Mother in Adavi, Kogi State (Full Story)


‘I Never Knew She Was Pregnant’ Father of The Baby Dumped by It’s Mother in Adavi, Kogi State (Full Story)

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According to the father of the baby; he said he was not even aware of the baby till after child was dumped on the street. They are not legally married, and the woman in question has 4-5 kids for another man before.

Related: Adavi LGA Chairman Traced and Found The Parents of New Born Baby Dumped in The Street.

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'I Never Knew She Was Pregnant' Father of The Baby Dumped by It's Mother in Adavi, Kogi State (Full Story)

With the efforts of the commmunity leaders and concerned citizens, the Executive Chairman was able locate the lady’s house where she was staying with her own mother. The grandmother of the child gave details how she left home with the baby and for about days and she’s yet return home.
With the help of the useful information the old woman provided, she was able to find out.

The Council Chairman who always gives a fair hearing and always find to know “why” granted the woman in question the opportunity to explain herself for her action.

She pleaded and asked for forgiveness, that her action resulted due to depression and frustration. She disclosed the biological father. After reaching out to him, he didn’t deny of keeping relationship with the lady but he never knew she was carrying his baby.

They were both summoned to the office of the council chairman who initially agreed to adopt the baby for further questioning yesterday, alongside their family members and community leaders.

After much deliberation, they both agreed to live together as husband and wife with the consent of their families. They also pleaded to have the child back so that they can train the baby together.

Considering the scenarios behind her predicament, the council authority (Social Welfare Department) released the child to the parents provided they are ready to cater for the baby, and the authority blige with a clause of thorough supervision of the child.

Source – Habeeb
Source: Leco-360 Media

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