It gets quite boring telling a woman she is s3x!y all the time. Remember that time she wore that dress with the teasingly low neckline? You called her s3x!y.
You also called her s3x!y on that day she wore that s3x!y jean and she was all shades of hot. You’ve also used the word on many other occasions. It gets tiring after a while.

Women are moved by what they hear, and you need to upgrade from saying the same compliment all the time if you want that fli*rta…tion between you both to become even better.
When you see that drop-dead gorgeous lady you have been crushing on, and you’ve run out of words to describe her, simply because she always find new ways to blow your mind to bits, here are extra words you can turn to.
- Tell her she’s enticing. After all her very presence draws you in effortlessly, doesn’t it?
- Tell her she’s captivating. It’s not just about her curves and smoking-hot body, there’s something about the entire package, the entirety of her femininity which totally captures your imagination.
- Tell her she’s alluring if you feel her s3xi…ness actually drawing and luring you to her. This is not as bland as just saying she is s3x!y. It gives it an extra meaning.
- Call her sensuous when the fli*rta..tion gets really deep and it is only a matter of time before you both seal the deal. Calling her this shows her the picture that you do not find her s3x!y just for the sake of it. You find her s3x!y and you’d probably give anything to unravel that s3x!y.
- Call her fascinating. This is another word that shows that she is s3x!y to you not just because of her impressive body features. It’s more than that.
- Call her ravishing. This portends a s3xi…ness that is at least three times more intense.
- Call her charming if her s3xi…ness holds you spellbound. Enchanting works just fine here too.
- Call her sultry if you need a direct word to replace s3x!y.
- Call her irresistible. The word explains itself and she will get the point that you really do try but her s3xi…ness is too potent and keeps pulling you back.