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How to Prepare Ogbono Soup Without Okra, Meat and Vegetable – Best Recipe


How to Prepare Ogbono Soup Without Okra, Meat and Vegetable – Best Recipe

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How to Prepare Ogbono Soup – Ogbono soup, is a Nigerian dish made with ground dry ogbono seeds. Ogbono seeds (the local name for Irvingia) are originated and were first grown in Southern Nigeria with considerable local variation.

Ogbono Soup can actually be prepared without meat, the need for meat is to enhance the taste more but it can be cooked and served deliciously without meat.

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What does ogbono soup contain?

Ogbono soup (Draw Soup) is a rich, nutrition-packed Nigerian soup made from ogbono seeds (ground African mango seeds), palm oil, assorted meats, and traditional spices. It packs a lot of bold and rich flavors and is incredibly delicious.

What does ogbono taste like?

It’s reminiscent of okra stew and goes so well with tasty, filling pounded yams for an extraordinary African meal experience! Ogbono soup is a hate-it-or-love-it stew.

Is ogbono good for health?

According to numerous studies, the ogbono seed or kernels have been shown to contain about 18 amino acids with a good number of nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.

Is ogbono soup good for weight loss?

Ogbono seeds have become the latest hype in the health industry and according to Dr. Mehmet Oz(a popular health practitioner), it could help in lowering cholesterol and aid weight loss. Several studies have also shown that this seed has several health benefits, which of course includes weight loss.

Is ogbono good for diabetics?

Multiple studies have shown that ogbono seed (Irvingia gabonensis) is helpful in reducing blood glucose levels and reducing the risk of diabetes. Ogbono seeds help in the regulation of insulin levels and blood sugar levels, which in turn lowers the risk of diabetes.

Recipes for preparing Ogbono Soup

How to Prepare Ogbono Soup Without Okra, Meat and Vegetable
  • Grinded Ogbono
  • Titus fish (you can use any fish of your choice)
  • Pormor (cow skin)
  • Stock fish
  • Garlic (optional)
  • Pepper (I will be using Atarodo)
  • 2 cube of maggi
  • Salt
  • Red oil

Steps on how to prepare Ogbono Soup Without Okra, Meat and Vegetable

How to Prepare Ogbono Soup Without Okra, Meat and Vegetable

Step 1: Put water on fire, put your stock fish in a bowl, loose the rope used in tieing them together, add in some salt to taste and pour your water once it’s boiling

Step 2: Put your pot of soup on fire, wash your fish and pormor and arraigned them well in the pot then add some water, add 1 cube of maggi and a pinch of salt to taste, cover and allow it to boil for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Once your fish and pormor is well boiled, you can now begin your soup

Step 4: Add in your stock fish, pour in your red oil, add in your blended pepper and garlic, a pinch of salt and 1 cube of maggi

Step 5: Cover it and allow it to cook for 3 minutes.

Step 6: Once they are well boiled together, add in little cold water in order to prevent the soup from lumps, sprinkle your grinded Ogbono around it and use your spoon to stir.

Step 7: Leave it to cook for like 5 minutes and your soup is ready to serve.

How to Prepare Ogbono Soup Without Okra, Meat and Vegetable

Ogbono Soup can go well with any swallow food like pounded yam, eba, amala, fufu etc.

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