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How To Increase Google AdSense CPC In 2023 (Best Guide For Nigerians)


How To Increase Google AdSense CPC In 2023 (Best Guide For Nigerians)

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How To Increase Google AdSense CPC In 2022 (Best Guide For Nigerians)

How to increase Google AdSense CPC is the trend of the day most especially for Nigerian Publishers, we have all been there, I have experience a CPC as low as $0.01 before on one of my Google AdSense account also I have experience $25 per CPC before, with Nigerian traffic (click).

The meaning of CPC is “Cost Per Click”

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So, if you are experiencing low CPC on your Google AdSense, today is your lucky day, as I will be showing you the best ways to increase your AdSense CPC even though clicks are coming from a Country like Nigeria or India.

If the main source of income on your blog is through Google AdSense, then you must always tweak it to make it better and to make it work your way. Everything changes frequently, you need to test and adopt the better formula which works on your blog for your readers and for you as the publisher.

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Understanding Google AdSense CPC

CPC means ‘Cost Per Click’. CPC it indicates how much you are earning for every click on an Ad that displays on your blog or website.

Let’s say, you get $0.05 for one click and $1 for another click, so your average CPC is going to be ($0.05 + $1 )/2 = $0.53. so your average CPC for calculating your earnings will be $0.53 this will be used in calculating your earnings. Just Multiply Average CPC X Clicks = your earning $$$

CPC is another factor in Google AdSense to decide the performance along with RPM (or eCPM) and CTR (Click Through Rate).

You must try all possible methods to increase the CPC in Google AdSense to maximize the revenue. Increasing the CTR also will help, but when CPC is low with higher CTR, still there will be fewer in earnings.

For example, instead of getting 10 clicks at $0.05 CPC (10 x $0.05 = $0.5), try to get 2 clicks at $0.50 CPC which is 2 x $0.50 = $1, much better isn’t it? So, even though the CTR is less but final earning is much better ($0.50 to 1$) because of good CPC (0.05$ to 0.50$).

How To Increase Google AdSense CPC in Nigeria

How To Increase Google AdSense CPC In 2022 (Best Guide For Nigerians)
How To Increase Google AdSense CPC In 2022 (Best Guide For Nigerians)

The explanations are getting too much right? Let’s get into the real the deal, which is the guides on increasing Google AdSense CPC.

1. Focus on Niche Blogging, Target Certain Keywords.

The traditional way bloggers write about the above heading is that, they will list out the Niches and Keywords with highest CPC in Google AdSense, but in this post I will be changing the narrative. Though the listings are true but I will show you how to know the Keywords that will work for higher CPC and how to know if your topic is going to attract higher CPC in a particular country.

Let me share a simple but effective way to find a higher paying CPC keywords for Google AdSense. It is highly recommended to consider this point when you write your next article if you are using Google AdSense on your blog. There is no point in getting more and more traffic but your blog’s earnings remain low or not increasing as expected.

You may need to use some keyword research tools to find the higher paying keyword in the topic you are going to write. Even Google AdWords (and keyword planner) works very well to identify the good CPC keywords. But these tools including Google keyword Planner may confuse most of the new bloggers and look like a long procedure.

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How To Know If Your Blog Post Will Have High Google AdSense CPC?

Doing a simple Google search can indicate the strength of your blog post, in terms of CPC cost and advertisers demand of the particular keyword you are writing about. Okay, this is not like other tools to show the estimated CPC value in dollars or other currency, but you can get an idea whether the keyword you searched will have the potential to give you a high CPC.

How Do I Mean?

This method will show you whether the particular keyword or search term is having more advertisers, more advertisers means more CPC, that means more money, and if more advertisers are targeting a particular keyword, then they will bid more and more to get an ad spot.

More Explanation

I will log on to right now to search for a particular topic (See Screenshots below), I’m thinking to write about “free mp3 music download”. Simply search this keyword and see what’s coming up. Here is the search result of first page of Google in Nigeria when I did the search.

No Ads – means no advertisers, that means no money in this topic.

If Google is not showing any ads (or showing very less ads) on their first search result page, it is the clear indication that this topic/niche may not be profitable. Even if you write about this topic and get thousands of visitors monthly, the AdSense ad quality on these posts will be very less and cheap. Ultimately the CPC from these posts will be very low and your blog will not make considerable amount of income from AdSense as expected.

Another Example

Here is another example, I’m hoping it will be so different than the first example. Let’s think about ‘Free Web Hosting’ as our keyword for research.

I’m sure you can guess how its working now. The particular keyword shows more (I think the maximum ads on the first page) on Google search first page. More ads means more advertisers are bidding for particular keyword or topic. More advertisers means, definitely it will be higher CPC. If your content/post can show these type of ads, possibly you will be getting good CPC than our earlier example ‘free mp3 music download’.

This doesn’t mean, you have to write only about high paying keywords. Getting search engine traffic for high paying keywords is very difficult since it will have more competition.

You write what you know and like to write about, but keep in mind about higher paying keywords and include them in a few places. Also, the group of keywords can give the idea of the topic or where you should take your blog.

Also, you have to think about the potential advertisers and competition of the topic you write. Let’s say you are writing about free stuff, then you may possibly get less CPC because none of the advertisers will pay high payout for free stuff which they can’t sell.

Keep in mind, each advertiser who advertises through Google AdWords that display AdSense ads in our blogs need our visitors to their product page and convert them as a sale, registration, or any action.

The content and niche of your blog are so critical to get higher Google AdSense CPC.

2. The Source Of Your Traffic Matters

We miss this main part most of the time. You must know from where and how users are reaching your website? There are 2 major things to consider when it comes to traffic.

  • The geographical location of the users (Countries)
  • The entrance source (like is it from search engines, social media, referral or a returning visitors)

If you need to increase Google AdSense CPC, then you need to concentrate on these facts achieve

Geographical Location

Our blogs do not show the same ads everywhere in the world. It shows different ads in Nigeria and different in the USA. Depending on the topic and competition (demand) for the particular keyword, Google will push higher paying ads in certain countries such as the USA, Canada and UK.

So, if your blog is getting most of the users from African or Asian countries, then ultimately the CPC will be low. If your friend is having a similar topic blog and the same number of pageviews as yours, but he is getting most of the readers from USA, Canada and Europe, then definitely he is going to make more money from Google AdSense and CPC will be higher than yours.

To increase the Google AdSense CPC, you must target the readers from USA and other higher-paying countries. Select, research and write about the keywords and topics that will attract international users. Do not focus on a specific region or country if you need to make more money from Google AdSense.

Entrance Source

The source of visitor entrance impacts the CPC also. Let’s assume that you have a good user view from the USA but all are your returning visitors, though they are from USA (which gives higher CPC), they will rarely click the ads. It affects CTR and page RPM. The point I am trying to make is that you need new visitors via search engines regularly to increase your Google AdSense CPC.

Proper SEO and keyword research with excellently researched articles bring quality readers to your blog. Quality users via search engines.

3. Focus More on Content Based Ad and Not User Based Ad.

This is my last guide, Google AdSense based ad displays on three grounds (Content Based, User Based and Random).

User Based Ad.

User based ads in Google AdSense are the types of ads users see on your website based on their browsing history.

Content Based Ad

Content based ads in the other hand, are those ads that are related to the content a user is viewing, a user browsing a content related to Real Estate won’t see adverts on Dating.

Content based ads attract more and Higher CPC in Google AdSense than User Based ads.


Be a good blogger to your readers, other bloggers and yourself – you can be a successful blogger in a short time. I hope the above-mentioned points and examples will be useful to increase your Google AdSense CPC and ultimately your AdSense earnings.

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