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How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free


How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free

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How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas
How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas

The price of gas is gradually going higher, do you still need someone to tell/advise you that it’s time to improvise? Though I know you would have loved to but you don’t know how.

Today, I will lead you through the processes on How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free or, if you can’t afford bread always, follow up my next article or our Facebook Page on how to convert waste food into a cooking gas.

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Previously, I made a post about How to Generate Electricity From Salt, Water And Electrolyte For Free due to the lack of constant power supply in Nigeria. Click here to check it out. Also, follow up for my next post on how to generate free electricity with spark plugs. So, let’s get down to How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas.

How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free

How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas
How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free

It is high time you start saving that money you keep spending on buying gas always and generate your own gas at home through the following procedures with the following items. Follow every step firmly in order to make it work. Let’s get started.

Items needed in producing a cooking gas with bread and water

Gas connector and pressure regulator
  1. Plastic rubber
  2. Knife
  3. Screw driver
  4. Water
  5. Bread (good or spoilt)
  6. Gas connector and pressure regulator
  7. Gum

Procedures on How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free

The following are the procedures on How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free.

  1. Get a plastic rubber, take out the cover and cut the handle with a knife to create a whole in the middle of the cover.
  2. After creating the whole, take your gas connector and attached it to the whole in the middle by using your screw driver to loose and tighten the not’s.
  3. After which the gas connector is attached to the cover of the rubber, apply your white gum at its edge in order to hold them tight together
  4. Take your plastic rubber and add water but make sure that it isn’t full
  5. After putting the water on the rubber, take your bread and pieces it into the water
  6. After putting the bread, use your gum to rub the edge of the rubber and cover it tight so their won’t be space for air to penetrate.
  7. Once you are done, leave it for about 5 to 6 days
  8. Check it on the 6th day and at this point, the rubber must have swell due to the contents inside and both the cover and the gas connector won’t be able to remove or open again
  9. Once that is done, take your pressure regulator depending on the type of regulator you are using and connect it like the normal way of fixing it inside your cooking gas.
  10. Ensure it is well tightened then on it using the regulator for it to light or light it yourself like the normal way of switching your gas on.


Missing any of the procedures stated above can disable the functionality of the gas, so follow it accordingly in order to get an accurate result. All the items needed for these experiment are all available in the market at a very cheaper and affordable price.

But if you find the detailed explanations uneasy for you to understand, please click and watch the video below in order to make it easier for you. Don’t forget to like, share with friends and drop your comments below.

Watch the video below:

How to Convert Bread And Water Into a Cooking Gas For Free

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