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Simple Guides on How to Apply for International Passport in Nigeria


Simple Guides on How to Apply for International Passport in Nigeria

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In this article, we will be taking you through the simple guides on how to apply for international passport in Nigeria, as well as the requirements needed to acquire an international passport in Nigeria.

Steps on How to Apply for an International Passport in Nigeria

The main purpose of this article is to provide you with the necessary guides in order to get a valid Nigerian international passport.

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The process of getting international passport in Nigeria can be done online. When you are done applying for international passport in Nigeria, you will be required to receive a hardcopy of your passport at the passport office close to you.

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What is a Nigerian International Passport?

A Nigerian international passport is an important hard copy document issued to Nigerian citizens who have the intentions of travelling outside the country.

In as much as you are able to obtain a visa, you can travel to anywhere in the world internationally with your Nigerian international passport.

Requirements Needed for a Nigerian International Passport

The requirements needed for an international passport in Nigeria are as follows:

Adults (18 years and over):

  1. Completed passport application form
  2. Two recent passport-size photographs
  3. Proof of payment
  4. Letter of ID from local government/ state of origin (valid staff ID card attached)
  5. Birth certificate
  6. Completed Guarantor’s form (with photocopy of data page of Guarantor’s Nigerian e-passport and one passport-size photograph of the Guarantor)
  7. Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  8. Name change affidavit (if applicable)

Minors (below 18 years of age):

  1. Completed passport application form
  2. One passport-size photograph (signed on reverse side by consenting parent/s)
  3. Birth certificate
  4. Evidence of Nigerian citizenship of parent/s
  5. Letter of consent from both parents (valid court order if one parent is unavailable)
  6. Proof of payment

How to Apply for International Passport in Nigeria

Steps on How to Apply for an International Passport in Nigeria

Below are the steps on how to apply for an international passport in Nigeria.

  1. Visit the Nigerian Immigration Services portal: This is the official website to apply for an international passport online in Nigeria. Click here to visit.
  2. Select passport type: Choose either the Standard e-Passport” OR “Official e-Passport”, then click on ‘Start Application’ button
  3. Select processing country: This is the country you intend to apply and receive your passport booklet from
  4. Fill the application form correctly: When filling the application form, check for the ‘I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM’ check box then click the “PRINT” Button to print filled form.
  5. Upload scanned copies of required documents: Get the required and correct documents available in scanned pdf files and upload them.
  6. Proceed to Online Payment: Select preferred payment method by clicking the “Pay in Naira” or “Pay in Dollars” option
  7. Click on submit after payment: After choosing your preferred payment option and finalizing payments, click the “Submit” option to move to the next step
  8. You will be issued an Application ID and Reference number: After payment, having obtained the “Validation Number”, proceed to the NIS portal for confirmation of payment
  9. Print out Guarantor’s form and have it certified: This will require you to enter your Passport Application ID and Reference No. and then click submit to proceed. Click here for guarantor’s form.
  10. Finalize procedure at the passport office: Submit completed application form with additional required documents in person at your selected passport office

Note: Once you have submitted your online application, you are required to appear in person at your specified immigration office for photographs and biometrics to be taken.