I won’t try to sugarcoat it. I’m 25 years old, she’s 19. Still in university because of the endless ASUU strike.
I’ve been having unprotected sex with this particular girl for a long while now. We’ve been dating for close to two years. I practise the “withdrawal” and “safe” days method. I met her a Virgin too.
Just realised she’s pregnant. She started showing a lot of symptoms. Darkened areolas, nausea, breast heaviness, headache, back pain e.t.c.
I asked her to get do a pregnancy strip test and it came positive. Two red lines.
Though it’s not what I ever planned for myself, I won’t really mind having a child at my age. People will so much insult me, including my family but I’m sure my family will take care of the child.
The issue is the girl. Her family (Deeper Life) are wahala, big wahala. Educated people that behaves as if they never went to school. Now, we detected very early, her first period is supposed to start tomorrow (which I’m sure she’ll miss). She’s still very young and about to start schooling. I’m sure her dad will disown her (he once sent her away from his home over a slight misunderstanding, refused to let her back in until it was shown she was innocent).
I told her we have two choices, keep the baby or remove it. I am confused too, but I didn’t show it. Pls what do you think?
We’re really considering ending the pregnancy. Since it’s very early, I’m considered getting m…p……r..l. I need medical advice pls. Above all, I don’t want to endanger the girl’s life.
I’ve read about abortion pills. I don’t know how to get them or their price. Or should we keep the baby? Her dad will surely disown her, might later accept her, but it will definitely end her Education. What do you think? Should we get the drugs pls. Or consider another option? Should we keep the baby?
P.S: If you’re using withdrawal method and it works, it WILL STILL EVENTUALLY FAIL YOU. I used it for a really long time, now I’m here.