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67 Ancient Ebira Names And Meaning


67 Ancient Ebira Names And Meaning

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Ancient Ebira Names And Meaning

TOP ANCIENT Ebira NAMES and Meaning in English Language

The below Ebira Names and Meaning are ancient names

  1. Aba Aba: Full formation i.e. of a moon in its full-blown
  2. Abedo – A vabe do: Let us agree to accept.
  3. Abonyi – Aa bonyi bonyi: Soundness.
  4. Achimugu – Aa chị mi, mị gu: if cracked and thrown to me I can catch.
  5. Achonyi – A chonyi chonyi: Brand new.
  6. Achuchu – A chụ chu chụ: Clustered growth (one from large family)
  7. Adaaja – A da aaja: Let’s cut the pride.
  8. Adaava – Ada a va vę: Father is back.
  9. Adabenege – Ada ana ba ne ge ne gę: Slim and flexible father
  10. Adagu – Adagu (ana ji aarę) o si o huuna: Lake or pond of water, meaning victory.
  11. Adavenje – Ada ve nje: Slim child.
  12. Adanga Ada ana nyi uga: the father that has praise (great man).
  13. Adangara – Ada ana nyi uga yaraaa: father of praise is alive.
  14. Adano – adano: Father is beautiful.
  15. Adasu – Ada o su, ada ya raa: the male child that comes after the father’s death, (father dies, father lives)
  16. Adeneji – Ada ene ji: Father that gives solution or that settles quarrel.
  17. Adavi – Ada o vi ni: its a Father.
  18. Adavidu – Ada vi idu: Father is lion.
  19. Adavudi – Ada vi udi: Father is place of rest.
  20. Adavuruku – Ada vi uruku: Father is water tank that can succor or father is thick forest that protects.
  1. Adeyika – Ada Eyika: Born during Eyika festival
  2. Adive – Ada onivenu, ada oni ivehu: Father the witness or father of the spirit.
  3. Adiyaya – Adiyaya: Father of the fastest
  4. Adogu – Ada o’gü: Father protects.
  5. Adokiti – Ada okitipo: The father of heavy weight.
  6. Adozi – Ada ozi: One that begets or engenders children.
  7. Aduku- Aduku: Warrior (one that dares tough situation).
  8. Adonuja- Ada onuja: Master of a two-edged sword (sharp in both ways)
  9. Agada – Ono agada: The group with sword (the warriors).
  10. Agidi – Agidi: Ozi agidima: Troublesome
  11. Ageitu – (f) A ve vi ya ge yi tuwa. A geyi tu : Let’s put heads together to confront them.
  12. Ahuraka – Aa hwo ira ka: Fast to deliver message.
  13. Ahutu – Aa hụ tu: Matured to produce
  14. Ahwovį – A hwo vi kikiri: It is a praise name for God meaning able to do (ability to do or perform). Thorough researcher.
  15. Ajako – Aję ako: the egg of kidnappers, similar to a kidnapper.
  16. Ajana – Aja navo: Aja (deceitful bird) stop deceiving me
  17. Ajoge – Aji ogere yoor : Let’s circle this one, to protect.
  18. Akarogu:
  19. Ake – A kenyi: Small in nature and strong
  20. Akiri – Akiri vachauru: Strong, constant of proportionality (forceful)
  21. Akuvada – a kwo, vę va daa: To bring out for people to see.
  22. Amo – Amoo: one that measures.
  23. Amoto – Ohomorihi o me oto yį mi: God makes me proud.
  24. Amakozi – (Makozi) – A ma kozi: Adding to the children.
  25. Amechaka – Ame echaka: a me chaka: One that oppresses
  26. Amewuru – Ame ewuru – a ma ve tu ewuru: Born during problematic period
  27. Amoka – A mo okaręyi: The chief judge
  28. Anaje – Ana je yi, engu ani: Elijah – Self-existence.
  29. Anako – Aa na ko: Kidnapper going Swiftly without hindrance (of death).
  30. Ananyi – Ana nyi: The chosen one
  31. Anasę – Oni iręyi aani sę: The one whose words come to pass.
  32. Ananyuwa – Ana nyi uwa: Their master (the one that owns themn).
  33. Anakobe – Oza ana ko obę: The person that commands great followership in farming
  34. Anawuna – Ana wu naa: One that is heard and known far and wide in a far place.
  35. Anda – anda oza e si o kwete ni: It is one’s relation or people that support him
  36. Anikajogu – Aani ika a Ji ogu ni: Bearing children is wealth.
  37. Aniko – Ani – Eyikoku: Someone from Eyikoku in Okengwe, the first place of settlement in Ebira land.
  38. Aniku – Ani iriku: Someone from the wilderness or born in the forest.
  39. Ariwo – Ari wo nyi: Conquering powerfully
  40. Apondi – Apondi: Durable and new.
  41. Aponyi – A ponyi: New and genuine
  42. Araga – Aa ragada raga ada: Very very massive
  43. Areyi – Areyi: Smoke.
  44. Ariba – Aa ri ba: He is always a winner.
  45. Arikochunu – Aa ri izo koo: Conquering the place mercilessly.
  46. Arimo – Aa rį mo: Conquered to remember.
  47. Aroke – A ve vi ye ro ka, eyi divi: Let’s think about it, it is not bad.

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Responses (2)

  1. You have done a good job for gathering these names for our children yet unborn to see and learn.
    If you check these names, whether male or female, you will see that they end in one of the 5 vowel letters, I e. I, a, e, o, u. Any one outside this is not Ebira name. That is why names like: Adaolan, Momohjimoh, Sunday, Abdulwahab can be said to be foreign to Ebiras.
    How about my surname, Umajene, and others like Odomeja, Ohieku, Ihiezeyi, are they not having meaning too?

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Ebira Culture

These beautiful Ebira Native Attires have been made by a hardworking and creative Ebira woman (women) they weave these colourful fibres, these Ebira women also work in the rayon style cloths used a lot of extra weft float patterning to bring out the best quality and much more which are made of beauty, quality and rich culture valve by weaving it in the front the veranda of their houses and it is been sold in the Okene main market every four days and traded widely across Nigerian and beyond.