I have taken my time to hear people’s feedback after different set of job interviews and in each discussion, I keep faulting errors which can probably lead to disqualifications by companies or organizations.
While preparing for a job interview or in the interview venue, there are some certain things to be avoided in order not to hinder your employer from entrusting their position in your hands. Most of these mistakes are things we felt it’s normal to do and most companies or organizations will end up using it against you.
Without prolonging the narrative, I will be brief in faulting out those mistakes/errors so that you can take proper precautions while in a job interview or preparing for one. Let’s get down to the 10 great mistakes to be avoided in a job interview.
10 Great Mistakes to be Avoided in a Job Interview
1. Don’t be late or too early
Arriving late for an interview is a rude gesture that always gives a bad impression about someone, so is arriving too early. In both cases you can give your employer the feeling that you don’t calculate or keep to time well.
In the first case which is arriving late, it is perceived as an act of disrespect, and in the second case, it gives everyone the impression of being desperate and they will end up using you because it have occur to them that your life depends in it.
2. Do not have your mobile phone turned on
Turn off your mobile minutes before entering the room where you will be interviewed or rather silent it for that moment. Do not leave it until the last moment or you will run the risk of forgetting it. If your cell phone rings or vibrates during an interview, it will interrupt your interviewer’s work and create an awkward situation that will not be of help to you.
3. Never get involved in an argument with your employer
Freely express your opinions but never start or maintain an argument. It is not about giving the reason without complaining to those who do not have it, but try not to get yourself involved in an argument. It will be an embarrassing situation that will position you as a conflictive person and complicate issues for you.
4. Do not gesticulate exaggeratedly
Your gestures and your postures are more important than you think. They say a lot about you and reveal what you feel. For example, don’t sit at the edge of the chair or wave your hands insistently. Try to look at your interviewer or interviewers in the eye, but not in a threatening way. Smile and behave naturally.
5. Do not take the initiative: let the interviewer direct the interview
Remember that you are the interviewee and not the interviewer. You are there to answer questions, not to ask them. Do not compete with the interviewer, he must always take the initiative. Do not interrupt him and always answer his questions without detours or ambiguities.
6. Don’t answer questions aggressively
Never get defensive. Respond calmly and use a calm and collected tone. During the interview, do not behave aggressively or act violently. If you get nervous, take a deep breath and stay calm.
7. Don’t show up looking bad
Be conscious of the clothes you are going to wear on that day. Clean yourself and take care of all the details of your personal hygiene. Your appearance is very important to make a good impression. The image counts a lot and provides a large amount of information about your tastes, your preferences and your way of thinking. A careless image will harm you.
8. Don’t chew gum
Chewing gum during a conversation is rude. It will appear that you are not serious about the interview and most people find it very uncomfortable. Do not hesitate, your interviewer will find it highly inappropriate.
9. Don’t lie
The proverb is wise. “A liar is caught before a lame man.” If you lie on your CV or if you answer false questions, sooner or later you will be found out and the cure will be worse than the disease. No company or organization would wants to hire liars or cheaters.
10. Don’t stop being yourself
Everyone is always nervous about a job interview at some point, it is very clear that it is not an easy time. Most people try to memorize learned answers and some interviewees try to play a role to make a good impression. Don’t fall into that mistake, don’t act and pretend to be who you are not.
This is my advise;
If you keep these tips in mind, you will behave absolutely appropriate during any job interview with more confidence and poise. Read them carefully and if you have any questions, we can advise you to find the job that best suits your profile. An interview is a decisive moment to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the most suitable person to fit-in the position offered.
I hope you find this helpful. Do like, drop your comments and don’t forget to share with friends.